2025,  Author Interview,  blog post

Meet author Elaine Cooper

Elaine Cooper is a fellow Scrivenings Press author whom I haven’t gotten to meet in person yet! Hopefully we’ll be able to soon. Until then, let’s get to know her a little better.

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Jen – Elaine, I’m so glad to have you on my blog. Tell me a little about yourself.

Elaine – I grew up in CT and MA. As a child I LOVED visiting the historical sites where the American Revolution began. Now I write about that time period in my fiction!

Jen – I lived in northern Virginia as a younger child, and I agree that the American Revolution was fascinating! What have you written?

Elaine – Most of my books are still available on Amazon and/or Barnes and Noble website. My first Deer Run Series (3 books) are still available as are “Fields of the Fatherless”, “Scarred Vessels,” “Chiseled on the Heart,” “Bethany’s Calendar” and my most recent Dawn of America series, “Love’s Kindling,” “Winter’s Ravage” and the future release “Courier’s Return.” (More about that soon …) 

Elaine Cooper’s bio

Multi-award winning author Elaine Marie Cooper is the author of “Scarred Vessels,” “Love’s Kindling,” (New publisher in 2021), “Saratoga Letters,” “Fields of the Fatherless” and the Deer Run Saga: “Road to Deer Run,” “Promise of Deer Run” and “Legacy of Deer Run”. “Bethany’s Calendar” is the author’s first non-fiction book and describes the journey traveled with her daughter as she was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor.

Cooper’s passions are her family, her faith in Christ, and the history of the American Revolution, a frequent subject of her historical fiction. She grew up in Massachusetts, the setting for many of her novels. You can visit her website and blog at: http://www.elainemariecooper.com.

Elaine is also a contributing writer to “Fighting Fear, Winning the War at Home” by Edie Melson, and “I Choose You,” a romance Anthology. Her freelance work has appeared in both newspapers and magazines, and she blogs on her website at www.elainemariecooper.com, as well as Heroes, Heroines, and History blog.

Research for Elaine Cooper

Jen – Considering what you write, this feels like a silly question, but did you have to do research for your story?

Elaine –I have to giggle at the question, ” Do you have to do research for your stories?” My books are birthed through tons of research! I have learned so much about history through my research. It is exhausting and fascinating! 

Jen – I can only imagine! I love history, so I know it’s fascinating.

Elaine’s goals

Jen – This is something I love to ask authors because I believe it shows their heart. What are your goals when you write?

Elaine – I write out of obedience to God. My life might be simpler without the pressure of book contracts plus reading so many non-fiction books, but then I’d feel like I was not doing my part for the kingdom. 

Jen – I love that. You’re so right! What kind of books do you like to read?

Elaine – I am a huge fan of Laura Frantz! Her books are amazing! Her pen is such a paintbrush of artistic language. I read lots of non-fiction about the American Revolution. Although I write fiction, my desire is to base my stories on actual events with an occasional actual historical figure appearing on my pages!  

Scarred Vessels by Elaine Cooper

In 1778 Rhode Island, the American Revolution rallies the Patriots to fight for freedom. But the slavery of black men and women from Africa, bartered for rum, is a travesty that many in America cannot ignore. The seeds of abolition are planted even as the laws allowing slavery in the north still exist.Lydia Saunders, the daughter of a slave ship owner, grew up with the horror of slavery. It became more of a nightmare when, at a young age, she is confronted with the truth about her father’s occupation. She is burdened with the guilt of her family’s sin, as she struggles to make a difference in whatever way she can. When she loses her husband in the battle for freedom from England, she makes a difficult decision that will change her life forever.

Sergeant Micah Hughes is too dedicated to serving the fledgling country of America to consider falling in love. When he carries the tragic news to Lydia Saunders about her husband’s death, he is appalled by his attraction to the young widow. Micah wrestles with his feelings for Lydia while he tries to focus on helping the cause of freedom. He trains a group of former slaves to become capable soldiers on the battlefield. Tensions both on the battlefield and on the home front bring hardship and turmoil that threaten to endanger them all.

When Lydia and Micah are faced with saving the life of a black infant in danger, can they survive this turning point in their lives?

More about Elaine Cooper

Jen – Where can we find you on social media?

Elaine – I am mostly on Facebook, but have recently dabbled on Instagram, and on my website

Jen – Share some fun facts your readers would love to know! (Tea or coffee? Favorite season? Favorite Bible verse? What do you do in your free time? Cat or dog person?)

Elaine – What free time??? LOL! 
I love both coffee and tea!
My favorite Bible Verse is Proverbs 31: 8-9
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”

Changes in Elaine’s life

Jen – Elaine, I know you’ve had a rough couple of years and have gotten behind in your Dawn of America series. Tell us what’s going on.

Elaine – It has been a few years since I’ve worked on my most recent book series for Scrivenings Press. My husband, Steve, had Vascular Dementia from a stroke, then developed Alzheimer’s. It was a miserable and heartbreaking five years. Then in the middle of the night on September 2, 2023, the hospice nurse called me to say he was unresponsive. I was in shock. I started the 2 hour drive to his Memory Care facility, only to receive a call while still on my way that he had passed away. I pulled over to the side of the road and cried and cried. Our little dog Mocha was in the back seat. Her silence barked volumes.

I moved back to Des Moines where Steve and I had lived for 30 years. I packed up Mocha and our 2 cats and hauled everything and everyone back to Iowa. I hate moving but I knew I needed to return “home.” 

Numbness set in. The last thing I could focus on was writing. I was exhausted all the time. Winter came and filled up my apartment parking lot with snow. I was as frigid as the chilling wind from the north. I rarely saw my family. Their choice, not mine. I missed them terribly. 

Eventually spring emerged and flowers began to sprout from the planters on my porch. Loneliness consumed me at times. I kept receiving emails from eharmony.com. I fully intended to ignore their promises of love-ever-after, but one day grew sick of their persistence. Without spending a dime, I accepted a free weekend. The next thing I knew, I met Rick and did my best to keep him at arm’s length. That didn’t last long. 😉

Last July, Rick and I said our marriage vows at a beautiful park in Iowa. 🙂 

Jen – Wow, that’s amazing. God is kind and loving. Tell us more.

Elaine – Although Rick and I are very happy together, I did lose my sister, Jo Ann, to lung cancer in January. I am heartbroken once again. Today, after taking my 14-year-old dachshund to the vet, Rick and I discovered that Rocco’s heart condition is worse. The first person I thought of calling was my sister, Jo Ann. I think of her so often and wish I could call her.

But that is life, is it not? And Jesus said it would be so. In John 16: 33, Jesus says: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

God has been gracious to me and I am so grateful for Rick. The Lord sent him to me because He knew I needed him. I didn’t realize I needed him, but the Lord knew. And He loves me. 🙂 

Jen – Thank you for sharing your heart and writing life with us, Elaine!

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Jen Dodrill headshot

Hi, I’m Jen! I’ve been married for 39 years, have 5 amazing kids, and have 3 adorable grandkids. I homeschooled our three youngest children and used to blog about homeschooling. I also taught Oral Communication as an adjunct instructor for over 5 years.

Jen Dodrill Writes is born of a passion of mine – to write a novel! My first cozy mystery – Birds Alive! – released Feb. 27, 2024 and the 2nd in the series, Where’s the Quetzal? releases Feb. 25, 2025!

When I’m not working, you’ll find me writing, spending time with my family, or curled up on the couch reading and drinking a mug of dark roast coffee. (Don’t forget to check out my mug shop – JDMugs!)

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