Book Updates
November 2024 – SeaBreeze Obsession is ready to go for editing! Two of my writing buddies and I will have our novellas in a collection – Trinity Sands Island. It comes out on June 17, 2025. I’m so excited to share this story! All three novellas center around Trinity Sands Island, which is an island we invented. So many fun characters and lots of mystery!
Finding Ginny is back from the editor I hired. I’m pretty sure I will self-publish it (in my spare time). I’ll update you on that soon!
No Egrets, book #3 in The Empty-nesters Cozy Mystery Series, is in the works! I’m finishing up with planning and trying something new – plotting! I’ll begin writing it in December.
September 2024 – Where’s the Quetzal? is at the publisher’s for editing. It will release Feb. 25, 2025!! And I’m working on my novella for the Trinity Sands Island novella collection that comes out next June 2025. It’s going to be a great collection of stories! Plus, my book Finding Ginny is at the editor’s right now. Once it’s back and I’ve made the changes that need to be made, I have to decide if I will self-publish or shop it around again.
February 2024 – It’s time! Birds Alive! An Empty Nesters Cozy Mystery is ready to buy!
August 2023 – I signed a 3-book series contract with Scrivenings Press! The first book in the series, Birds Alive! An Empty Nesters Cozy Mystery will come out on February 27, 2024!
Order your copy NOW!!

Finding Ginny is waiting on a home!
Nov. 22 — At a recent writing conference I had THREE publishers ask for my manuscript, Finding Ginny!! So, I sent it off to them and I’m waiting…waiting..waiting.
There is a lot of waiting as a writer.
Finding Ginny is complete! Except for some editing… 😉
Writing a novel is hard work, and I love it! They say to write about what you know, so my MC (main character) is a middle-aged woman who has a drug addict she loves.

Want to know more? Check out this blurb:
Finding Ginny is a fictional novel chronicling a growing issue in our country—grandparents raising grandchildren because of a parent’s addiction.
Kat is in a rut, as her best friend says. Status quo, a quiet life as a widow and an elementary teacher. And she likes it. But, she’s also the mother of a drug addict—her daughter, Becky, who has been gone for eight years.
Looking forward to a dull summer in her Virginia Beach home, her drama-free life upends when Becky arrives and drops her six-year-old daughter, Ginny, at Kat’s.
Will Kat get past Ginny’s prickly façade and have the privilege and challenge of raising her, changing everything about Kat’s life goals? Or will Becky get and stay sober, cutting Kat out of their lives forever?
Check back often for more updates!