Author Interview
Meet author Shirley Gould
Shirley Gould writes contemporary romantic suspense set partially in Africa and partially in America. She's also a Scrivenings Press author!
Meet author Susan Page Davis
Susan Page Davis has over 100 published books in mystery, historical, romance, suspense, and children’s chapter books. Let's get to know her!
Meet author Amy Anguish
I'm so excited to have Amy Anguish on my blog! She has a novella coming out today - A Match Made in Christmas! Let's learn more about her and then look at this…
Meet author Mary Pat Johns
Mary Pat Johns is a fellow Scrivenings Press author, and her new book is coming out today!! She'll tell us more about Glitter and the Grouch later in the blog post. But for…
Meet author Jenny Carlisle
I love interviewing authors on my blog! Today, Jenny Carlisle, a fellow Scrivenings Press author joins us!
Meet author Delores Topliff
Author Delores Topliff is on the blog with more about her book, Christmas Tree Wars!
Meet author E.V. Sparrow
Meet E.V. Sparrow and learn about her new book, Muldoon's Misfortunes!
Meet author Donna Wichelman
Donna Wichelman's book, A Song of Deliverance, with Scrivenings Press releases in December 2024! Read more about Donna Wichelman and how to find her on the web!
Meet author Betty Woods
Meet author Betty Woods, learn more about her, and hear about her new book, Treasure & Trouble!
Meet author Michael Ehret
Michael Ehret is a freelance book editor with my publisher, Scrivenings Press. Mike's first book, Big Love, just released, and I'm so excited to have him on the blog today!