Meet Heather Tabers ~ Historical Romance with Grit & Grace
I love to read about other writers, so I’m introducing one to you – Heather Tabers who writes historical romance with grit and grace.
I met Heather when I used to blog for Military Mom Collective. She and I have several things in common and I’ve followed her journey as an author on social media. Heather has graciously let me interview her!
Heather’s bio:

Heather Tabers writes Historical Romance with a little grit and a lot of grace. As an unashamed daughter of God, Heather is passionate about encouraging women to seek after Him with their whole hearts to find their purpose, their healing, and their joy. She believes life can be messy and beautiful at the same time which is why she enjoys writing stories that show the goodness of God’s grace. Heather is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and won the ACFW VA Crown Award in 2022. She is represented by Cynthia Ruchti of Books & Such Literary Agency.
When she’s not writing, Heather can be found creating polymer clay jewelry, playing with her two fur-babies (Murphy & Maisy), spending hours at the dinner table laughing with her family, reading a good book, or binge-watching a romantic period drama. She holds a BS in Communications from Arizona State University and recently earned an MA in English Composition from Liberty University. Heather is blessed to work alongside a wonderful ministry that shines light into the darkest places. She serves as the Operations Manager for Love Missions Global, an organization that fights human trafficking by empowering survivors and educating the community. Heather Tabers is also a monthly contributor to The Military Mom Collective.
Interview with Heather Tabers
Jen: When did you have the desire to write?
Heather: I’ve always loved writing. I learned to write the alphabet when I was three years old so I picked up my favorite green crayon and wrote little green H’s all over my bedroom wall. My mom wasn’t thrilled but I’m pretty sure I’ve been writing ever since. In elementary school, I was always writing poems and short stories and it grew into a love for just about every kind of writing form essays to fiction to technical writing.
Jen: What do you like most about writing – planning, research, writing, etc.?
Heather: My favorite part about writing is dreaming up book concepts. I have a notebook full of ideas I would love to turn into novels someday. I also enjoy the outlining process and sometimes wish I could just sell my outlines to people who could finish writing them for me.

Jen: Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Heather: Definitely a plotter. I use a 27 plot point outline every time and I can’t imagine writing without it. I joke that I even create outlines for my outlines… but it’s kinda the truth. I would be lost without my outlines and lists.
Jen: What brings you the most joy as a writer?
Heather: My goal is always to touch someone’s heart whether that’s through writing or baking or sending a text. So, writing words that might help someone through a bad day, make them smile, or encourage them in their walk with Christ brings me the greatest joy of all.
Jen: What has been the most difficult thing for you in your writing journey?
Heather: I think it’s the waiting. I recently signed with an amazing agent and she sent my manuscript to several publishers but it can take weeks or months to hear back from them. The process is slow and the waiting is so hard. But I’m trusting in God’s timing and just trying not to think about the last manuscript while I work on the next one.
Jen: How have your life experiences shaped what you write?
Heather: I find myself writing from my broken places as often as I write from my healed places. I hope this brings authenticity to my stories and that readers find them relatable.
More about Heather!
Jen: I know you also create amazing earrings. Why did you start doing that?
Heather: I actually created a Gilmore Girls Monopoly game for my daughter for Christmas this past year and I bought some clay to make little game pieces that matched the theme. It was so much fun that I decided to make myself a pair of clay earrings and the rest is history. I now use my earring business to fund my writing career. People don’t think about the costs that go into writing but there’s newsletter software, business software, conferences, seminars, etc. So earrings keep me from using our family money to support my business. Someday book sales will cover it all, but in the meantime, I’m trying to be creative.
Shop for her amazing earrings (I’ve bought several pair!) at Heather Tabers.
Jen: You offer a coaching group. Tell us about that.
Heather: Yes! I have a small group of new Christian writers that I lead on Tuesday nights. We work in eight-week blocks and we welcome new members at the beginning of each block. It’s a fun, encouraging group for new writers who want to learn the craft, engage in fun writing exercises, and have some accountability in this writing journey we’re all one.
**Heather’s next round of classes begins November 7th and anyone interested can email her at for more information!
Thank you Heather Tabers!
I’m so grateful to have met Heather and I appreciate her answering my questions. I love to get to know other writers – their background, what drives them, the way they write. Check back often to find interviews with other authors!
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Hi, I’m Jen! I’ve been married 37 years, have 5 amazing kids and 2 adorable grandkids and one on the way. I homeschooled our three youngest children. I used to blog about homeschooling and taught Oral Communication as an adjunct instructor for over 5 years.
Jen Dodrill Writes is born of a passion of mine – to write a novel! When I’m not working, you’ll find me writing, spending time with my family, or curled up on the couch reading and drinking a mug of dark roast coffee. (Don’t forget to check out my mug shop – JDMugs!)