Meet author Jennifer Burrows
I’m excited to have Jennifer Burrows on my blog today! She is a multi-genre hybrid author who published six books between July 2021 and August 2023. Now she’s joined the Scrivenings Press family, and her first book with them released Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2025!
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Jen – I’m so happy to have you on my blog! Tell me about yourself.
Jennifer – I grew up in Bristol Vermont, a pastor’s kid, homeschooled before it became popular or even normal. I’d say there are two major places I’ve lived that have had a major impact on my faith in God.

Maine: Between my first and second years in college, although through the lens of time, I realize things are foggy, I was riding my bicycle to work at a Ben & Jerry’s shop when a graduating high schooler at a local high school hit me. Embarrassed, I pushed up from the ground, muscled through feeling bad for the poor kid who was just trying to graduate, and an hour later the shock wore off and the pain hit. I was in the hospital not much later. Months later, I was in physical therapy for some problem the doctors said the accident triggered. With my new diagnosis, my long-fought-for career as a concert pianist went up in ashes, and depression settled like a noose around me. It was at this time, a friend in college recommended I go on a mission trip to the Bahamas.
I thought I’d lost everything I’d ever loved. God was sending me to find the things I’d love the most in life. ~ Jennifer Burrows
The Bahamas: On the mission trip, I found a new purpose for my music and myself. After several short-term mission trips, a Bahamian Anglican School invited me to remain long-term as a music teacher. I accepted with three days’ notice to move countries, sold or gave everything away I really don’t remember, and left for full-time missions with nothing but the clothing on my back and a job to go to. I arrived with no phone to call home, no car to get around, no place to lay my head. God taught me so much during this period of life, where He made me aware of my true purpose and established that He and only He is the writer of my life. In the Bahamas, I met my husband, I found my now career as a teacher, and I discovered the impact of faith over fear.
Jennifer Burrows’ indie books
Jen – Wow, that is an amazing – and encouraging – story! Thank you for sharing that. What genre(s) do you write, and what have you published as an indie author?
Jennifer – Like I said, I’m a multi-genre hybrid author. From that, I learned so much about the industry and who I am as an author. Below are the book titles and genres I’ve published as an indie professional, all available on Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.
—Middle Grade, Speculative Fiction – Shadows
—Young Adult, Christian Fantasy Fiction:
- Invading Darkness, Prequel Anthology of five short origin stories
- Hunted by Darkness, book 1 in the Balance Keeper Series
- Rulers of Darkness, book 2 in the Balance Keeper Series
- After the Darkness, book 3 in the Balance Keeper Series
- Illuminating the Darkness, book 4 in the Balance Keeper Series

FreeFalling by J. L. Burrows – One hundred and eighty years in the future, the U.S. government eradicates warfare and violence.
Serenity should feel safe, but she doesn’t.
Serenity Knowles knows two things for certain. Finishing her government-assigned community service as a teacher is mandatory in order to start her adult life. And stopping those in power from reconditioning two of her favorite students will ruin her chances at a future and a life.
Everything she thought she once knew to be true, suddenly is now in question after her typically peaceful girls fight in plain view of everyone at school. The Federal Bureau of Acceptance storms in and collects them both for reconditioning—chemical brainwashing. With no one to help, Serenity is driven into a wild rescue and escape plan. The girls can’t be made into shadow children, brainwashed, and limited to a menial future.
All that stands between the overreaching government and her girls is Serenity’s budding faith, a furry beast companion, her modified illegal AI, and a ragtag group of men and women set against the use of cutting-edge technology and genetically modified bio-weapons on citizens under the Dome. If any of them get caught, they will be reconditioned. If they don’t move fast enough, the girls will be lost. If she doesn’t become a hero, any hope of a real future will be forfeit.
In her transformation from a teacher with a broken family to a radical defector leading a team of rebels, Sere discovers America’s deadliest threat—its own government.
Changes for Jennifer
Jen – I know some things changed for you in 2023.
Jennifer – From August 2023 to January 2024, God led me on a journey of change. He introduced me to Amy R. Anguish through the Christian writers’ support group I started with local author Amber Skye Mileusnich. Amy encouraged me to consider traditional publishing, and when my father’s health began to fail and my kids needed me more and more, I recognized God’s leading in my life. I just published my first book through Expanse Books, a division of Scrivenings Press.
—Dystopian Futuristic Fiction
- FreeFalling, book 1 in The Reconditioned Series, released January 14th, 2025.
Projects Jennifer is excited to be working on in 2025:
Jen – What are you working on this year?
Jennifer – Several things! Dystopian, Futuristic Fiction: Quantum Christmas, a novella in a collection of novellas titled The Wonders Within the Starlit Inn possibly releasing in 2025 by Expanse Books with Scrivenings Press. And, Awakening book 2 in The Reconditioned Series, releasing January 2026 through Expanse Books with Scrivenings Press.
Also, Romantic Suspense: Zyaire book 1 in The Green Mountain Series. I’ll be revising this sometime this year and probably shopping it to a publisher in late 2025. And, Young Adult, Christian Fantasy Fiction: My very next project will be to go back and re-revise my first two books, Hunted by Darkness and Rulers of Darkness. I’ve learned so much in this writing journey, especially now that I’ve entered the traditional publishing realm, and I want to apply that learning to those first books because I believe in the mission and purpose of those stories, but they are currently not representing themselves as well as I believe they could with another revision.
Writing habits
Jen – Something I’m always curious about is other writers writing habits. What are yours?
Jennifer – I follow a pretty strict schedule because of my life as a public high school teacher, a super involved mom of two sophomores, one in college who still lives at home, and the other in her first year of public high school, previously homeschooled, and my author endeavors which include writing, advertising, revising/editing, and professionally reviewing books for Clean Fiction Magazine.
That said, I do have a certain time of day when the magic happens. Every day after dinner, I write until sometime before or after eight. Ending at eight-ish is critical because my brain requires time to loosen its grip on creating exceptional problems for my characters. If I don’t quit around that time, then I don’t sleep. The only exception to my evening writing is if I have the day off, and then I aim for late afternoon. I’m a night person, so that’s when my brain is clicking at full power.
Fellow converted pantsers

Jennifer – I’m a converted pantser who now plans with room for pantsing in the corners and between the lines. Whenever I write a book, I outline for a month. I create what I call cards (think 3×5 cards) that help me know the specific points and details I have to hit in that scene/chapter, whose POV I’ll be telling it from, the location, etc. Then, I allow myself to pants the rest of the story in. This has worked extremely well for me. I create 17-25 of these cards and usually end up with a 70-100k word story depending on genre.
Jen – Converted pantser here too, and this is something I just started doing! I’m enjoying having the index cards as I write a rough draft. Where do you get your ideas for stories?
Jennifer Burrows and story ideas
Jennifer – My ideas come from everywhere I go. FreeFalling came from my experience as a public school teacher. I work with students who struggle with very real-world problems, but in that capacity, I can’t share with students the real solution and Truth that God loves them and has a plan for their lives—that they matter and are loved more than they’ll ever know. In that same vein, I often see on the news or in social media society speculating on the best way to educate kids without being the boots on the ground. And then, it was just a matter of “what if” questions.
What if we did away with harder subjects because only a select few students really need those courses? What if there was such a terrible teacher shortage communities had to find a creative way to care for and educate students? What if we only taught students the basics and allowed their future jobs to complete their education? What if the government took more and more control of our health, education, and communities?
You get the idea. My biggest “what if” question in FreeFalling is, “What if we were forced to accept everyone’s individual truth instead of knowing and experiencing the freedom and power of God’s Truth?” And of course, the main character is a teacher which is born straight out of my life experience of teaching for eighteen years.
Jen – I’m hooked! I can’t wait to read FreeFalling!
Jennifer – Writing is my therapy and my healing. I’ve been avidly reading and writing since I was very young. I didn’t understand or embrace its role in my life until much later when God told me to write my Balance Keeper series. Oddly enough, writing has been an important part of every stage of my life. Prayer journals when I was young, poetry and songwriting when I was in college, memoirs about the tough moments in my life, and finally, faith-filled fiction that I pray touches the hearts and edifies the believers that pick them up. God has a plan for our lives that we, at least for me, most rarely know a thing about. So that crazy thing He’s calling you to do, or the thing you’ve just done forever for yourself, just might be your next favorite thing to share with others in the world.
Jennifer Burrows and research

Jen – Did you have to do research for your story?
Jennifer – Yes! Science Fiction, even light sci-fi, requires a lot of research. I got stuck in a rabbit hole with a scientist about sustainable fuel for the futuristic vehicle that carries the main characters around.
However, the most interesting research I do is in the Bible. When I’m researching scriptures that will meet my characters where they are at, carry them through a difficult moment, or teach them how to become more like Jesus, I’m learning right alongside the character. It’s a blessing every time.
Since FreeFalling is based on the concept of God’s truth, I did research into verses about God’s truth. As I dove deeper into the thematic message of this story, I discovered a need to include and address fear, as it often is the reason we do not do the very thing we need to do.
Out of that research came the following three thematically related verses that came to be the spine of the story:
- “When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come.” John 16:13.
- “Do not be afraid; stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today.”—Exodus 14:13 (NIV)
- “You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”—John 8:32 (NIV)
Because Serenity isn’t a Christian, and religions do not exist as a part of the culture in this book, weaving in these scriptures as the backbone had to be done carefully through a still small whisper that speaks to Serenity, guiding and teaching her.
Jennifer’s goals
Jen – I love that. What an amazing opportunity to reach people. And I love your rabbit hole into sustainable fuel! Haha! What are your goals?
Jennifer – There are a lot of reasons I write, as you might ascertain from the above, but the main reason I write is because God gave me a gift, and it is my responsibility as a member of God’s kingdom to give that gift back to God. For every book I write, I want it to reach the readers that will be most impacted, edified, and encouraged by it. My launch team and I pray over the readers and impact of a book before it hits the world. I want my books to be used by God in the lives of readers. I want them to feel seen and inspired to keep hoping when it seems all hope is lost, to keep walking when it seems all is futile, and to keep loving when it seems the world is full of hate and loss. This life is very hard, but there is a beautiful hope and joy we have in a heavenly father who loves us more than we will ever be able to understand. I want to help others to stay focused on God’s love for them.
Jen – Yes!! That’s the best reason to write, I think. What do you like to read?
Jennifer – I adore Susan May Warren’s romantic suspense books. Oh, and Roni Kendig’s anything! I just finished reading her science fiction novel Brand of Light, and I’m about to read the second in that series. So good! I’ve also read her A Breed Apart series and I loved it! Reading for me is a daily habit, so I’m always finding new books I love. If you want to know more about what I’m reading follow me on Goodreads, my newsletter, and at Clean Fiction magazine’s quarterly publication that includes my reviews of each book I read.
Jennifer Burrows’s bio

Jennifer Burrows has a message in her heart about God’s love, and she’s shared that when she was a musician in her father’s church, as a missionary to underprivileged children in a third-world country, and as a wife who stood by her husband through terminal brain cancer that God miraculously healed.
Now, she’s sharing God’s powerful love through the art of fiction, pouring herself into edifying and helping other writers, and teaching others how to use faith in the face of adversity. Jennifer teaches in the greater Nashville area, where she lives with her husband and their two children. Get to know Jennifer better at, or connect with her on social media at Facebook or Instagram.
Fun facts about Jennifer Burrows
Jen – Share some fun facts your readers would love to know!

- Tea or coffee? Coffee – every day. Especially at Starbucks! Caffeine by day, decaf by night.
- Favorite season? Spring and Fall – God is a God of redemption which feels like spring, and a God of cleansing and removing what should be gone which feels like fall.
- Favorite Bible verse? “I can do all things through Christ who is my strength.”
- What do you do in your free time? Free time–LOL! Read for my reviewing, take baths, work out (I love to weight lift while listening to the Bible or some of my favorite speakers)
- Cat or dog person? DOG!! I have two of the cutest writing buddies ever. Jack and Lacey!
Advice for new authors
Jen – What is your advice for new authors?
Jennifer – I have a couple of pieces of advice for new authors. Together with a friend, I started Charis, a local Christian author’s group in Smyrna, TN, and I’ve been blessed to walk alongside several new authors as they brought their books to publication.
- It’s a lifestyle, not a destination vacation. If you think you are writing to finish the book, you’ll find that there’s just another book, another revision, another edit, another something that you have to do for your book. Writing the book is simply the first step in a journey of steps. When I was younger and dieting, I used to be all over the place. I’m changing my lifestyle–not dieting. Writing a book is much the same way. It’s a lifestyle, so create systems that support your writing consistently.
- One step has more power than huge chunks. When my husband was going through brain cancer—a whole story in itself—I learned I had to just take the next step through life. I couldn’t think about big picture or end results. I put on blinders and forced myself to take the next step, no matter how much it scared me. In that, I found the journey went more quickly, each step grew a touch easier, and I could accomplish incredible things in very short periods of time.
- Work with yourself, not against yourself. If you are a morning person, write in the morning. But if you are a night person, write in the night. Don’t try to be something you weren’t created to be. God made you on purpose the way you are. There’s enough in this world to fight against. Don’t let your war be against yourself.
- Learn! Learn! Learn! The minute you think you’ve arrived, you will grow stale. In my writer’s group, we try to study a book a year. This year’s book is Susan May Warren’s The Story Equation. Other books I’ve learned from and loved are Hawker’s 17-step method, unfortunately named “Take off your Pants” referring to pantsers learning to plan; Story Genius by Larry Brooks; John Truby’s “The Anatomy of Story”; “Break into Fiction” by Mary Buckham and Dianna Love; “The Emotional Wound Thesaurus and that entire series by Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi. And I have at least fifty more on my TBR that I can’t wait to dig into.
- Work to the end. So many newer authors get lost in the spiral of starting a book, writing to chapter four or five, then having a new idea or learning something or any other distraction, and then they go back to the beginning and revise, cut, edit, get to chapter four or five, then have a … You get the idea. It’s essential to learn to persevere to the end of each phase of writing.
Final question for Jennifer Burrows
Jen – And last but not least, what inspired you to write?
Jennifer – God. It’s one of the things He designed me to do.
Jen – Thanks for being on the blog today, Jennifer! I’ve learned a lot about you and can’t wait to read your new book!
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Hi, I’m Jen! I’ve been married for over 38 years, have 5 amazing kids and 3 adorable grandkids. I homeschooled our three youngest children and used to blog about homeschooling. I also taught Oral Communication as an adjunct instructor for over 5 years.
Jen Dodrill Writes is born of a passion of mine – to write a novel! My first cozy mystery, Birds Alive!, released Feb. 27, 2024! The second in the series, Where’s the Quetzal? releases on Feb. 25, 2025!
When I’m not working, you’ll find me writing, spending time with my family, or curled up on the couch reading and drinking a mug of dark roast coffee. (Don’t forget to check out my mug shop – JDMugs!)