Meet author Jenny Carlisle
Jen – I love interviewing authors on my blog! Today, Jenny Carlisle, a fellow Scrivenings Press author joins us! Jenny, tell us a bit about your background.

Jenny – I grew up in Pittsburg, Kansas with my divorced mom and my younger sister. The church was a tremendous support for my mom, and a second family for me. When she married a man from Arkansas, our new life began, and I started school in Bryant, Arkansas just in time for my senior year. I married a member of the same high school class and found a new church family with him. I feel blessed to have so many Godly people in my life, and I am sure it influenced my choice of Christian fiction when I began to put the stories in my head down on paper.
Jen – I’ve read your story of how you got into writing. Share it with our readers!
Jenny – I was bitten by the writing bug in elementary school when a poem I wrote was displayed in the hallway. I loved English classes in school and continued to write every time I got the chance.
I took journalism classes in college but got married before I finished a degree. While I waited on kids at band practices and scout meetings, my stories were relegated to spiral notebooks. I joined writing groups, attended conferences, entered , and even won some contests.
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More about Jenny’s writing experiences

Jenny – A friend who published a regional magazine called Ouachite Life asked me to write a monthly column. The short non-fiction articles in Turn, Turn, Turn gained a following. After accumulating years of these columns, I sought the help of a friend to self-publish two books.
After years of hearing “No, thank you,” a new publisher called Scrivenings Press accepted and published my first fiction project, Hope Takes the Reins in March of 2022. Two more books about families who met through the rodeo followed. Faith Moves Mountains and Love Never Fails complete the Crossroads series, described as Contemporary Women’s Fiction with a thread of romance. Along the way, two other Arkansas authors joined me to write a collection of Christmas novellas called A Gift for All Time. My story, Rejoicing with Joy features some of the same characters from Crossroads.
Jenny Carlisle and research
Jen – Did you have to do research for your stories?
Jenny – As a quirky combination of a plotter and a pantser, I have a goal in mind, but must stop along the trail quite often to research something that confronts my characters. I have watched videos about changing truck tires, exploding hot water heaters, and tagging cattle to prevent theft. In the process of talking to experts, I have chatted with an official at the Arkansas Cattleman’s Association, and a man who builds fishing boats that are completely accessible to folks who utilize wheelchairs. Never a dull moment while I’m creating a story!
Jen – Yes, I can imagine! I love all the different things and people you’ve researched!
Jenny’s reading choices
Jen – What do you enjoy reading?
Jenny – I read a wide range of things growing up. I remember in my school library starting one side and checking something out of each section of shelves until I reached the other side. This introduced me to science, history, geography, biographies and many different authors. I loved Little Women and Little Men by Louisa May Alcott and then the Nancy Drew Mysteries. As an adult, I typically don’t get on the “bandwagon” of reading the most talked about books of the day. Instead, I gravitate to escape, and light reading. Cozy mysteries like “The Cat Who …” by Lillian Braun (I even wrote her a letter once and received a response) and everything I could find by Mary Stewart. “Touch Not the Cat” and more.
Jen – “The Cat Who” mysteries are fantastic! What else do you read?
Jenny – When I read “Christy” by Catherine Marshall and then a friend suggested Janette Oke, I discovered Christian fiction and found my niche.
My favorite authors these days write both contemporary and historical, and I have even enjoyed some fantasy. For historical, Tara Johnson and Cynthia Roemer. Contemporary, Cynthia Ruchti, Rachel Hauck.
I also love everything written by my novella collaborators: Tonya Ashley (historical) and Ellen Withers (time-slip mysteries).
Jen – You can’t go wrong with any of those authors!! I just read Ellen Wither’s Show Me Betrayal – great book!
Find Jenny Carlisle online!
Jen – Jenny, tell us a little about your platform; where can we find you online?
Jenny – I have had a presence on Facebook for many years, both personally, and as Jenny Carlisle, author. The friends and contacts I have acquired there are treasured. The one thing that my posts have in common is that I try to remain positive and encouraging. Since becoming published, I have formed smaller invitation-only groups as the Launch Day of each new book approaches. I have also enjoyed doing some live videos, sometimes sharing my morning prayers from my back porch. Response has been great. I occasionally have contests to give away one of my books, or a prize package of recycled or regifted treasures from my own book and knick-knack shelves. My readers know that everything I share is from my heart and will never conflict with my mission of spreading the love of Jesus.
You can also find me at my website Jenny McLeod Carlisle – Seeking, Waiting, Walking.
Jen – I share your mission! What are some fun facts your readers would love to know? Tea or coffee? Favorite season? Favorite Bible verses? What do you do in your free time? Cats or dog?
Jenny’s fun facts

Jenny – Fun facts:
Tea: Hot Earl Gray decaf, or unsweetened Iced tea. Now and then, I love a good decaf skinny vanilla latte as a treat.
Favorite season: 1. Christmas and a close #2: Razorback football season.
Bible verse(s): My web page and my newsletter feature these three. Matthew 6:33, Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added. Isaiah 40:31, But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles. Micah 6:8 He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justly, To love [a]mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
Define free time. I am retired. But, as a couple, hubby and I love to travel to spend time with our kids and grands, or just drive around our beautiful state. When I have alone time, you will find me sitting on the porch, reading or working on my latest hair-brained craft project. Right now, it is an embroidered pillow personalized for each of my grandchildren.
Cats or dogs? I have owned and loved both, but right now we don’t own either. Makes traveling so much easier. I think my introverted personality is more suited to a cat since they usually require less attention beyond what they consider as basic needs.
Jen – Thank you, Jenny, for being on my blog! It was fun to get to know you better.
Jenny – Thanks so much for hosting me for this interview. I hope your readers will give my fiction a try. May God bless each day of your journey.
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Hi, I’m Jen! I’ve been married for over 37 years, have 5 amazing kids, and have 3 adorable grandkids. I homeschooled our three youngest children and used to blog about homeschooling. I also taught Oral Communication as an adjunct instructor for over 5 years.
Jen Dodrill Writes is born of a passion of mine – to write a novel! My first cozy mystery – Birds Alive! – released Feb. 27, 2024!
When I’m not working, you’ll find me writing, spending time with my family, or curled up on the couch reading and drinking a mug of dark roast coffee. (Don’t forget to check out my mug shop – JDMugs!)

Jenny Carlisle
What a great interview, Jen. I am so glad you asked me to share the Why and How behind my writing.
Thanks for chatting with me! It was fun getting to know you better!