Meet author Mary Pat Johns
Mary Pat Johns is a fellow Scrivenings Press author, and her new book is coming out today!! She’ll tell us more about Glitter and the Grouch later in the blog post. But for now, welcome to the blog, Mary Pat! I know you went to Brazil recently. What was that for?
Mary Pat – I have lived in Texas all my life. Recently, however, we flew to Brazil for a wedding since our son married a Brazilian woman. Goodness! Brazil wasn’t even on my bucket list, but God does mysterious things.
Jen – Yes, He does! Tell me about the books you’ve written. I know Glitter and the Grouch is book #3 in a series.
Mary Pat – I write Contemporary Romance with a strong Christian thread. The first two books of my series, Romance in Valiant, are published with Scrivenings Press. Glitter and the Grouch is the third book of the series and the only novella. It spotlights two minor characters from books 1 & 2, and the setting is an enormously popular event, the Texas Water Safari. I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to write about the great Texas River race. So much fun!
Mary Pat and research
Jen – I bet that required a lot of research!
Mary Pat – Glitter and the Grouch did require a lot of research. I’ve only kayaked a bit, and the main characters paddled in a canoe. Fortunately, I had a connection to a man who has raced for 30+ years. His book about his experiences stayed on my desk throughout the writing process—all marked-up and dog-eared pages. It was truly a privilege to give him a copy of the finished product.
Jen – I’m sure he was excited! Tell us about your writing habits.
Mary Pat – I write most afternoons unless I’m on deadline. Then it’s all the time, aside from sleeping. I’m a mix of both plotter and pantser—I need to know at least one of the main characters and have the middle and end scenes in mind before I start. Getting the story started is always a challenge for me.
More from Mary Pat Johns

Silas only has one choice: his sanity or his future.
Silas and Nat don’t get along, but they can’t leave each other alone. When a prank goes terribly wrong at their workplace, they face an impossible choice.
They must compete in a canoe race to prove they can work together or forfeit their futures at Peeps. Good thing quitting isn’t in their DNA because their boss isn’t backing down an inch. He assures them they can accomplish anything they set their minds to, even if it means covering 260 miles of river. There’s only one catch—they have to be in the same boat.
Will they reach deep inside to find out what they’re made of? Or will they succumb to the physical rigors of the event and the machinations of a controlling ex?
Jen – I would love to be a plotter. 🙂 I have read your bio, and your son was in the military. How did that influence what you write?
Mary Pat – When our son returned from deployment in Afghanistan, his adjustment back into civilian life wasn’t easy. It gave me a desire to write about how people move forward after traumatic events. That’s why I created the town of Valiant. It’s a strong place where people find the support they need to thrive.
Jen – That’s wonderful! It provides readers with a place of hope for sure. I always love to know more about authors in their “normal” life. What are some fun facts about you?
Fun Facts about Mary Pat
Mary Pat – I have coffee first thing in the morning, then hot tea the rest of the day. I love crossword puzzles and usually work 1-2 in the evenings, though family time is my favorite. Always and forever, my husband and I are dog people. We have two spoiled dachshunds whose antics provide lots of humor to our quiet household.
Jen – Animals are the best, aren’t they? Tell readers how to find you.
Mary Pat – My social media platforms are FaceBook and Instagram. I write a weekly column for our local newspaper. I post the column under the Blog tab on my website. It comprises chatty articles about the daily happenings in my life, stories about my grandchildren, and my writing world. It always ends with a faith message. My website is Also, I have a monthly newsletter. When a person subscribes to it, there’s the option of downloading a free short story. It’s the prequel to the Valiant series and explains why the main character and his best bud are the way they are. Here’s my newsletter link:
Jen – Thanks for being on the blog and sharing more about you and your books!
Meet author Mary Pat Johns!

Mary Pat Johns’ writing career began once she retired from years of teaching speech and writing. She’s written devotions for an online publication and had short stories published by Chicken Soup for the Soul. She currently writes a weekly faith column for the local newspaper. Countin’ On Jesse, her first novel debuted in 2023, and book 2 of the Valiant series, Lovin’ On Red, released in release in 2024. God put it in her heart to tell stories of brave veterans and their reintegration into civilian life after suffering the traumas of war.
She lives in South Texas with her husband and their two dapple dachshunds. Her grown children and five grandchildren are useful sorts who keep her grounded with her reading/writing obsession. You can find her at the gym, at her computer, or reading a good book.
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Hi, I’m Jen! I’ve been married for over 37 years, have 5 amazing kids, and have 3 adorable grandkids. I homeschooled our three youngest children and used to blog about homeschooling. I also taught Oral Communication as an adjunct instructor for over 5 years.
Jen Dodrill Writes is born of a passion of mine – to write a novel! My first cozy mystery – Birds Alive! – released Feb. 27, 2024!
When I’m not working, you’ll find me writing, spending time with my family, or curled up on the couch reading and drinking a mug of dark roast coffee. (Don’t forget to check out my mug shop – JDMugs!)