Meet author Susan Page Davis
Jen – Hi Susan, it’s great to have you on the blog! And to learn about your latest book, Time to Pay. When I first met you, I was at a Scrivenings Press conference, and we celebrated you publishing 100 books! Wow!
Tell us a little about yourself.
Susan – I’m a native of Maine, and I’ve lived in Oregon and now Kentucky. I am a stroke survivor.

Let’s meet Susan Page Davis!
Jen – What kind of fiction do you write?
Susan – I write in several fiction genres, mostly Christian novels. I have more than 100 published books in mystery, historical, romance, suspense, and a few children’s chapter books. Some people have encouraged me to stick with one genre, but I enjoy writing different types of stories. Right now I’m working on two. With my son Jim, I’m working on book 3 in our Hearts of Oak series, about seafaring women in the 1850s. With my daughter Page, I’m working on a contemporary cozy mystery called Down in the Dumpster. The aim is for this to be book 1 in our Dumpster Diva series.
You can see my published books on my website at Most are also on Amazon.
Jen – I can’t wait to read your cozy! I love hearing that you write in different genres. Writers often hear to stick to one genre, but that’s not always going to happen. You’ve shown us that it can be done!

Susan Page Davis is the author of more than 100 Christian novels and novellas. She’s a winner of the Carol Award, three Will Rogers Medallions, and two Faith, Hope, and Love Readers’ Choice Awards. She’s also been a finalist in the Selah Awards and the Willa Literary Awards. She’s a native of the state of Maine and now lives in western Kentucky with her husband Jim, a retired news editor. They are the parents of six and grandparents of twelve.
Behind the scenes with Susan
Jen – What are your writing habits? Do you start at a certain time?
Susan – I usually am at my desk by 7:30 a.m. and work until around noon. This is when I do my best writing. After lunch, I go back to it, or I’ll do writing-related tasks for the next two or three hours. This can include planning, editing for others, revisions, and promotion, among other things. I’m usually done for the day by 4 p.m.
Jen – Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Susan – I used to think I was a pantser, but then I realized I was plotting in my head. When a publisher told me I needed to write a synopsis for them before I’d actually written the book, it showed me that I could plot it out in advance. Of course, I can change the outline later if needed! But I find it extremely helpful to have at least the main plot points written out and know where I’m going with the story.
Jen – I’ve been a pantser up to this point, but for my next book, I’m going to attempt plotting. Or maybe I’ll try that synopsis trick! Do you have to do research for your novels?
Susan – I have to do some type of research for most of my stories. If it’s historical, that goes without saying. For contemporaries, it’s more things like police procedure, geography in a certain area, “rules” that vary from state to state (example: Do cars in that state have both front and back license plates?), and so on. I may be looking up popular girls’ names from the 1920s one minute and motorcycle brands the next.
Time to Pay by Susan Page Davis

Time to Pay, book 8 in Susan’s Maine Justice series. This book opens with a bang and involves a team of detectives and a much-loved family in two intertwined mysteries.
A near miss for Detective Tony Winfield throws the squad into high gear. Captain Harvey Larson is summoned by the mayor to help solve a crime she doesn’t want publicized. Was the caller threatening her or her husband?
Meanwhile, the detectives in the Priority Unit are chasing down other criminals. Sarah is the unit’s brand-new detective, and she feels she must prove herself worthy of the elite squad. Eddie and Jimmy keep the detectives on track in their investigations.
While Jennifer’s family helps her grandfather prepare for a big change, a former coworker of hers shows up on Harvey’s radar.
Join the Priority Unit of Portland, Maine, in their latest adventures. Clean, with a faith thread.
More about Susan Page Davis
Jen – All writers have a “why.” Why do you write?
Susan – Mostly, I want to tell a good story. I also want to honor God in my writing. I don’t preach to my readers, but some of my characters do have spiritual struggles. I want my readers to have a satisfying experience that doesn’t leave them in turmoil.
Jen – I love that. What do you enjoy reading?
Susan – I enjoy mysteries, both Christian and secular. I also like historical novels, and I do read nonfiction books, especially ones about the American past.
Jen – Where can we find you online?
Susan – I have a personal profile on Facebook and an author page. I encourage readers to like my author page at
I also have a Facebook page about my Maine Justice series.
Readers can sign up for my occasional newsletter on the landing page of my website,
Susan’s advice for new writers
Susan – Lately I’ve been doing a lot of professional editing as well as writing. My advice: Never submit a manuscript to a publisher or contest until it’s been vetted. If you can’t afford to hire an independent editor, at least have someone who knows English grammar and mechanics well read through it for you and suggest corrections. I am appalled at some of the mistakes I see repeated over and over. Present your work in a professional manner.
Jen – That’s great advice. Thank you so much for being on my blog!
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Hi, I’m Jen! I’ve been married for over 37 years, have 5 amazing kids, and have 3 adorable grandkids. I homeschooled our three youngest children and used to blog about homeschooling. I also taught Oral Communication as an adjunct instructor for over 5 years.
Jen Dodrill Writes is born of a passion of mine – to write a novel! My first cozy mystery – Birds Alive! – released Feb. 27, 2024 with Book #2 in the series on the way in 2025!
When I’m not working, you’ll find me writing, spending time with my family, or curled up on the couch reading and drinking a mug of dark roast coffee. (Don’t forget to check out my mug shop – JDMugs!)