What do you do when nano is over?
Do you do nano?
What is nano? I’m glad you asked!
NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month — NaNoWriMo! It’s held every November, and according to the website NaNoWriMo “is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides tools, structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds — on and off the page.”
The goal is to write 50K words in one month. That is a lot of words! The prize – a banner and certificate. The real prize, though, is knowing YOU wrote as many words as you could in a month!
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Why nano?
NaNoWriMo can be a great jumping-off point. Many writers prep in October and get everything ready, schedules cleared, and meals prepped for the big November push.
Who nanos?
Anyone can participate in nano. I did it last year, and it was fun! This year I just couldn’t. Although I didn’t win last year, I did write over 20k words and that is a huge accomplishment!
Nano even has a Young Writer’s Program for 18 and under writers, which I think is really awesome.

How to nano
NaNoWriMo is totally on your own, but there are plenty of ways to interact with other writers through the website or social media. Search #nanowrimo and get going!
Accountability is on you. Yes, you can cheat, but why? There’s no benefit to not being honest.
Can you nano differently?
Yes! Many people use NaNoWriMo to set different goals – ones they truly feel they can attain. November is a busy month as we all know. Some people edit already written words. It’s up to you how you nano!

What do you do when nano is over?
Heave a sigh of relief! And then keep writing!
Seriously, you can finish the book you wrote, edit it, publish it, take a break, whatever you need to do.
Nano is a wonderful opportunity to get those words out of you and on the page (or screen).
So tell me…
Do you nano? If so, what do you do when NaNoWriMo is over?
I’d love to hear in the comments!
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About the author

Hi, I’m Jen! I’ve been married for over 37 years, have 5 amazing kids, and have 3 adorable grandkids. I homeschooled our three youngest children and used to blog about homeschooling. I also taught Oral Communication as an adjunct instructor for over 5 years.
Jen Dodrill Writes is born of a passion of mine – to write a novel! My first cozy mystery – Birds Alive! – released Feb. 27, 2024 with Book #2 in the series on the way in 2025!
When I’m not working, you’ll find me writing, spending time with my family, or curled up on the couch reading and drinking a mug of dark roast coffee. (Don’t forget to check out my mug shop – JDMugs!)

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