Resource library

One of the things that I need as a writing blogger and author is a resource library. So I thought as I create mine, I’d share it with you! Because that’s what we do – help each other.
Why do I need a resource library? Well, to pull from for my writing and my social media. And by sharing the resources with you, you can use them also!
(This resource library page will continue to be added to!)
Sounds like a win-win for all of us!
What will be in my resource library?
- Printable checklists
- Writing conferences
- Great blogs to follow
- Writing contests
- Podcasts for authors
- Writing resources for grammar, punctuation, etc
- Books for the writing process, etc
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Let’s get started!
Printable checklists:

Research Checklist for Writers

Writing conferences:
- Asheville Christian Writers Conference – the first one I went to and it’s AMAZING!! Also, it’s limited to maybe 120 people so it’s a great “starter” conference. (Late February)
- Blue Ridge Christian Writers Conference – happens in late May, a bigger conference. I’ve heard it’s wonderful, but I haven’t gone yet.
- Florida Christian Writers Conference – usually mid-October, in central Florida (gorgeous). I went last fall, and I will go again! It was a treasure trove of information.
- Write to Publish – mid-June in Illinois. Owned/managed by the Christian Writers Institute. I haven’t been, but I want to!
- Scrivenings Press ScrivCon – I went to my first SP conference last April. Small, intimate, wonderful, and supportive group of authors! Even if you don’t write for SP, you can go!
- Vision Christian Writers Conference – this one is at the end of March/first of April in Mt. Hermon, CA, and it’s a goal of mine to attend!
Great blogs to follow:

- The Write Conversation with Edie Melson
- The Write Practice
- The Write Life
- Writer’s Digest
- Helping Writers Become Authors
Writing Contests

One of my favorite thing to do is enter writing contests!! Why! Well, they’re great validation if you win, but the best part is – critiques! That is how I learn – through constructive critiques! So here are some of my favs:
- ACFW First Impressions Contest
- Scrivenings Press Novel Starts
- Various conference contests like the Sparrow Award at ACWC. Always check conferences you attend for their contest guidelines!
- Oregon Christian Writers Cascade Contest
- And there are so many more!
Podcasts for authors
I’ll be honest and admit I don’t listen to podcasts often. But here are some that have been recommended!
- Walk it Out Podcast with Tricia Goyer – if Tricia is involved, you know it’s good!
- Kingdom Over Coffee Podcast with Britt Mooney – Britt leads the Word Weavers critique group I’m in and he is such an encouraging and knowledgable guy! Highly recommend!
- Write From the Deep with Karen Ball and Erin Taylor Young
- 4:13 Podcast with Jennifer Rothschild
- Your Best Writing Life
Writing resources (grammar, punctuation, etc):
- Grammarly – grammar, punctuation, writing suggestions
- ProWritingAid – same as Grammarly
- Evernote – note-taking app
- Canva – great for any designs, blog pics, pinterest pin creation and more!
- Scrivener – novel organization tool
- Vellum – to professionally format books for publication
Books every author needs:
- On Writing by Stephen King – I got this for Christmas and read it in less than 2 days. It was encouraging, inspiring, and validating!
- The Emotion Thesaurus – I have several in this series – very useful!
- Social Media for Today’s Writer – great to have on hand for its tips and insight!
- Plot and Structure – anything by James Scott Bell is fantastic!
- Book Proposal Secrets – I went through Kathy and Kim’s proposal track at the Florida Christian Writers Conference last fall, and this is the companion book to it. Super resource!
Do you have other resources in your resource library that you love?
Last, but not least, make sure to grab my 10-Step Checklist to Plan Your Novel! Download it or print it – whatever works for you!