Diving into Themes: A Fun Guide for Authors and Readers
Whether you're an author crafting your next novel or a reader diving into a new adventure, understanding themes can take your literary journey to a new level.
How to choose your premise and concept when writing your novel
At the heart of every novel lies the pivotal decision of selecting a premise and concept that serves as the foundation for the novel.
Crafting Compelling Character Arcs: The Heart of Fiction Writing
How much do you think about your character's arc when writing a story? What is a character arc?
Defining your genre and audience as a writer
Defining your genre and audience is the first thing to do before you start writing your book!
Mastering Success: A Guide to Setting SMART Goals for Writers
Have you heard the acronym SMART? It's a way to set goals and it's very helpful for writers!
How to use the Save the Cat Beat Sheet
Do you know how to use the Save the Cat Beat Sheet? It's a novel-writing template popularized by Blake Snyder in his book "Save the Cat!"
Authors should be speakers
Authors should be speakers – why?? For so many reasons! In October 2022, I attended the Florida Christian Writers Conference and met Michele Chynoweth. She is the author of several books and a…
How to Prep for NaNoWriMo
NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month, held every November. Learning how to prep for NaNoWriMo is the difference between success and flying by the seat of your pants (and not hitting that 50k word goal).
Top 10 Books Writers Need
Writing is a solitary life. It’s not easy, but I find it lots of fun. One thing all writers need are great books to help them with plotting, editing, finding the right words…
My ultimate writing goals
My ultimate writing goals were to be traditionally published and write tons of books. I never dreamed about being rich – I just wanted to write. Then I started writing. The first thing…